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Hindi Lesson: Intro to Hindi Vowels Back

Intro to Hindi Vowels ( Lesson 1 Part 1)

अ   आ   इ   ई   उ   ऊ   ऋ   ए   ऐ  ओ  औ  अं  अः  

Many people asked us if we can help them to learn Hindi through Internet.

The easiest way to learn any language is to hear it and practise. Hindi alphabet has thirteen vowels (used to be sixteen) and thirty six consonants. We will deal with vowels first.

Sooner you point your mouse to any vowel it turns to hand indicating you that you can click it to hear it to know how it should be pronounced.

So what you wating for? Try it yourself. We will be adding more lessons on weekly basis.

Lesson Study Materials
Flash How to pronounce Vowels
Flash Learning the Alphabets
Online Examinations
Hindi Vowels



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